The most famous places for medical tourism in Turkey
Last Updated: 2023-07-27The most famous places for medical tourism in Turkey
Turkey. A well-deserved tourist country.. I entered this field strongly and worked hard for it in many tourism investment projects,
However, God Almighty is the one who honored it, including beautiful natural tourist attractions such as mountains, plains, plateaus, seas, lakes, and waterfalls... Turkey waterfalls, which gather in water pools and natural springs, which are used for the treatment and prevention of skin and bone diseases because they contain the most important element in this process, which is sulfur,
Medical tourism is one of the most attractive tourists to Turkey, which led to an increase in the number of tourists annually other than the medical interest for which specialized centers for treatment and care were built, which made the demand also for treatment and healing and not only for the purpose of enjoyment and recreation.
We will mention the important therapeutic areas in Tlakia:
1-Pamuk Kali:
It is located in the Danizli region in western Turkey, and it is a very distinctive area in medical tourism as water flows from the mountains and forms many pools separated from each other towards their way down, and foam and bubbles are formed so that they accumulate on top of each other forming something like collected cotton and containing beneficial substances for the body such as sulfur and carbon.
In addition to waterfalls and rivers with hot water that carry the aforementioned therapeutic benefit of healing, prevention and treatment for humans.
2- Termal Yalo:
Overlooking the Sea of Marmara and its beautiful dense trees, in southwestern Turkey,
Its trees are located on the mountains, and this is what gave these mountains a bright green beauty, and fresh waterfalls flow from them to gather in an area called Termal, which is surrounded by picturesque nature.
3- Yeni Kblija
It is one of the most beautiful therapeutic places because of the presence of a natural medical swimming pool in addition to an adjacent Ottoman bath, and this refreshing bath is a bathroom that many want to enter and enjoy.
4- Mudorno:
Mudorno is located in the city of Bolu, which is 3 hours away from Istanbul if the road is by bus,
It has many towering mountains covered with green trees everywhere, and fresh water flows from it that gathers in a pond surrounded by the most beautiful picturesque landscapes.
What is the most prominent feature of medical tourism in Turkey
Turkey competed strongly in the field of medical tourism, especially that many tourist countries around the world are seeking to do their best to provide healing, recreation and happiness for tourists, which distinguished Turkey specifically in this attractive field:
- Tourism companies that organize tourist trips to Turkey.
- The presence of a large number of treatment centers specialized in the field of beauty and treatment.
- The existing medical center that provides all plastic surgeries, and their cost is cheap and good while achieving the desired results.
- The presence of springs and waterfalls , which have been taken care of and invested as areas significantly.
- The price of the trip is acceptable compared to medical tourism trips in other countries.
It is worth noting that the beautiful natural monuments will not become as distinct as they are in Turkey unless we take care of them and take care of all their details and then invest them in an excellent way that does not harm nature.
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