Terminology in the real estate market
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Terminology in the real estate market
Everywhere you go in the world, you will find exact and specific characteristics that distinguish them from other places, and if you go to Turkey, you will surely find many things that make this place with its wide and large size something special for it that is not found in other places. And if you enter deep into the Turkish real estate market, then here you must find the wonder. This place or this sector in Turkey is distinguished by many things, especially real estate terms, and if you love to get acquainted with these terms in Turkey, you will have to follow with us the following article.
What are the most important terms in the real estate market?
The customer or the buyer:
The buyer or the customer in Turkey must be one of the very important elements, as it is one of the essential things that cannot be dispensed with at all. Always this customer must have several aspects, such as being satisfied with buying and selling and having the funds to buy, and also in Turkey there are those who call the buyer the title of the client.
The owner or the person who intends to sell:
Also one of the important elements in the real estate market in Turkey is the person who owns the property or the person who sells it, and this is also one of the elements that cannot be dispensed with at all. He is the one who transfers the property to the other person who is the customer, and of course this is in exchange for money that is not a price for the property that was sold.
Real Estate Broker:
The presence of a real estate broker in Turkey is very important, but you should realize that this broker is not limited to Turkey, but is present in all countries of the world. But in Turkey, it has a different status than it is in other countries, so he cannot work in this field except after he has obtained a license that allows him to do this work, and also this broker does not work for free, but rather in return for a commission or a financial percentage.
Real Estate Marketing:
The term "real estate marketing" in Turkey has been mentioned a lot and it cannot often be dispensed with. Turkey is a large country with vast areas and multiple options. If you are a foreigner from this country, then there must be many things that you lack knowledge, but the presence of real estate marketing companies will relieve you of a lot of time, effort and money and will fulfill as much as possible of your desires in the property that you want to buy, and this company takes a financial commission as well, but it is not large.
Real Estate Investment:
Recently, the term real estate investment has become popular and repeated in Turkey. Many people around the world are talking about this at the present time and the word "investment" came from the multiplication and circulation of currency, and this is either through buying and selling real estate or by renting it out, or similar matters.
This term called finishes is widely used in Turkey and is used especially when the property is about to finish construction and maintenance work, and when you hear this term in Turkey, you must know that you are about to receive your property, and it is ready for you to use it as you want.
Also, this term is used in many places in the world in the field of real estate, Turkey is one of them, and the correct translation of the term deposit is the first financial payment that is paid to buy real estate in Turkey and you must know as soon as you pay it, you will not be able to recover it at all even if you decide to withdraw from the purchase of the whole property, It is also important because it guarantees you that the property you chose will not be owned by anyone but you.
Duplex apartments:
These apartments are two floors connected with each other by means of a staircase or an internal staircase, that is, inside the house. Each floor is a complete apartment separate from the other. On each floor there are utilities and a living room. On one floor, you can dispense with going down to the other floor, and if you want, you can make the basement for living the upper floor of the bedrooms and the like.
Real Estate Valuation:
Real estate appraisal is one of the things that can never be dispensed with, as it is the basis on which any sale and purchase transaction in Turkey is based, regardless of the type of real estate. It is what will ensure that you will not lose anything of your money to some kind of deception or fraud. What makes this evaluation a document with a great guarantee is that it is organized and written within the state departments and under the supervision of the Turkish government, so if you are in the process of real estate ownership in Turkey, make sure that you get this evaluation because it is fair to you.
Real Estate Development:
We must mention that real estate development in Turkey has become one of the basic needs in Turkey and depends on it a lot at the present time because of its benefits accruing to all Turkish parties, and there are many companies that have specialized in this regard. If you need to make any amendment to your property, do not forget to take the advice of stakeholders!
Finally, at the end of our discussion of the topic of "terminology in the Turkish real estate market", it becomes clear to us that this field is wide and deep, and we only mentioned crumbs from it. If you want to own real estate in Turkey, you will have to familiarize yourself with all these terms.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate Team ©
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