Do not buy a store in Turkey ... before you read this article
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Buying a shop in Turkey
If you are a foreigner in the Turkish country, you will certainly not be familiar enough with all its details and everything that is going on in it, especially if you want to enter the buying and selling market and other matters related to this field. If you want to buy a shop in Turkey, you will first have to turn to someone who has experience and knowledge in this regard, or you may read some headlines that talk about this issue. Today we are going to talk about everything that interests you to buy a shop in Turkey and we will give you the best advice in this regard.
The most important thing that you should pay attention to when buying a store in Turkey:
1- Legal character: There are things that you should pay attention to as a person who is going to buy shops in Turkey. Caution is required; For example, when buying shops in Turkey that are offered for sale, you should be careful about signing the purchase contract. It must be within a special legal department for this matter. Every contract signed outside it is considered null and void. And you should be careful not to buy a shop on the plans without being present in person, as this step can easily gets you deceived, and if the contract is signed, you will not be able to back out at all.
2- Choosing the right location for the shop: If you decide to buy a shop in Turkey, you will have to choose the appropriate location for such a matter. The area must be lively, full of residents and other shops, so if you want to rent it or offer it for sale one day, that will be very possible and absolutely easy as well.
3- Full knowledge of the real price of the commercial store: First of all, you can find out if the store is cheap or expensive by looking at its specifications, whether they are good or not, such as its size and decoration. The most important element that is searched for in the shop is its direction and what it looks like. The second factor that determines the price of the property is the city in which the shop is located, its importance and what it constitutes for that country. After that comes the role of determining the location of the commercial store within the city, is it located in the western or eastern direction, in the center or in the outskirts. All of these things play a role in determining the price
4- Services provided: There must be many services provided in the area surrounding the commercial store, because this will reflect positively on its importance. For example, an ATM should be available near it, as this issue will help customers in some of their procedures and will shorten their time and fatigue. Also, there should be a garage near the shop for customers to park their cars. Now, if the shop is located on the upper floors, it is necessary to have an elevator in order to help customers go to the shop without finding it difficult, so be careful to implement this matter. It is preferable that the building in which the shop is located is surrounded by security services in order to be safe.
5- Real estate advice: Of course, you will not have enough knowledge on this matter, or you may have information, but it is incomplete. It is good to refer to a source working in the field of real estate to explain to you some ambiguous matters. Of course, in this case, you will find a lot of real estate and legal experts who will save you a lot of time and a lot of fatigue; You will find your desired shops and within a few days and in a way that satisfies you on all aspects, as they will have worked to reveal the secrets of this shop and the things around it that could cause you big problems.
6- Availability of a transportation network near it: We can consider that one of the most important things that you should be keen to have near your commercial store is the transportation network. When a customer wants to come to your store, he finds it very easy, especially if these means pass in front of him. It is also recommended that if you want this to be available, make your choice for the location of the shop on the main roads.
7- Choosing a competitive mode: The investor must be well aware that he will be able to multiply profits significantly and make his capital jump successively, if he knows to choose the location of the shop well. And secondly, if he is in a competitive position, i.e. knows when to seize the appropriate opportunities to buy. Finally, when renting or selling a commercial store, the investor must have patience until he obtains a large satisfactory return.
8- Its price compared to other shops in Turkey: When buying a store in Turkey, it is preferable to choose the best among them with the right price and a bright future. You should be careful for the coming days so that its price rises day after day, and this issue is determined by you because you only have the choice.
Finally, if you are a fan of buying shops in Turkey, you should bear in mind a lot of advice that you should take into consideration in order for your affairs to go smoothly. As an investor, you do not have to be subject to experiment and risk; Although the commercial store project is a guaranteed project, its risks are many.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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