Advanced Education in Schools and Universities with Local and International Ranking
Last Updated: 2023-07-27Schools and Universities in Trabzon
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
In a city of great stature and importance such as Trabzon, there should be an advanced educational system, schools and universities to increase its importance. Therefore, the Turkish government has sought to establish primary, middle, high schools and even kindergartens, in order to build an educated generation, as children are the future of our world towards prosperity and progress.
Since Marsat Real Estate adopts cultural thought, the editorial team of Mersat Real Estate Company has prepared this article for you about the schools and universities of Trabzon, so that the parents can choose the best for their offspring.
In this article, you read:
- Many public and private schools.
- A curriculum for a generation of thinkers and creators.
- Advanced universities locally and internationally.
- Mersat Real Estate is your gateway towards a strong investment with a cultural flavor.
Many Public and Private Schools:
In early childhood, education is more indispensable than ever as we live now in a modern society, and the numbers of people are increasing. Thus, productivity needs to be improved in proportion to needs.
It is no wonder that every few meters we find a kindergarten and a school either primary, middle or high, where the number of schools in Trabzon reached 630, most of which are public and the rest are private.
Enrollment in Trabzon's schools is quite simple, when you register your address, you can enroll in a school near you. Also, there is no difference between a Turkish or a foreigner in education, because the child is above all in Turkiye and has the right to be educated, regardless of his race or religion.
If you want to get a special education for your children in schools with accredited international curricula and at reasonable prices, there are many private schools. Therefore, we chose for you the best ones according to the assessment of the students parents who studied there:
TED Trabzon College (primary and middle) in Ortahisar.
Bahçeşehir College in Ortahisar.
RoboTekno College in Akçaabat.
Candan College in Ortahisar.
Eksen School (primary and middle) in Beşikdüzü.
The list of private schools in Trabzon goes on, but we have selected the most prominent ones in each of Trabzon's areas.
A Curriculum for a Generation of Thinkers and Creators:
Since education is the window that shows the man everything around him and allows him to think sharply and logically, it is necessary to choose curricula that are commensurate with what modern science has reached today.
It makes no sense to follow old educational methods in a modern society that seeks to advance and elevate this nation.
In this sense, the Turkish government has hired the best academics and intellectuals to put advanced curricula. Plus, it determines for each age and phase the appropriate education and information that allows the learner to understand it.
Not only do public schools in Trabzon have an advanced curriculum, but private schools also have a distinguished international curriculum. How can they compete and attract more students, if they do not have an excellent curriculum.
Hence, the best expert teachers are hired in Trabzon's schools, who can deal perfectly with students according to their age, and teach them in practical ways that make the information easy for the student.
Between public and private schools in Trabzon, you can choose whatever you want according to your vision, thinking, budget and according to the desire of your son or daughter.
Advanced Universities Locally and Internationally:
After developing a child with a healthy and aware mind, it is necessary to complete what he started and move to the stage of undergraduate majors, where each student chooses a major that suits his mental abilities depending on his grades during the years of study in schools, in order to start applying what he has learned on the ground and promote his country.
According to this, the Turkish government has established Karadeniz Technical University and the University of Trabzon with different disciplines, relying on the best professors and experienced academics. They are equipped with spacious halls, laboratories with advanced equipment and devices, libraries with thousands of books, playgrounds, cafes and theaters on campus, so that students can entertain themselves.
Since we are in the age of openness to the world and the large number of foreign students, both universities teach in Turkish and English.
Speaking of foreign students, a foreign student can study in Trabzon at its two public universities with very low fees, which vary according to the major chosen by the student.
Also, there is a private university (Avrasya University) in Trabzon, which was established in 2010, and there are many disciplines that suit the aspirations of the student who wishes to enroll in it.
As a university ranking, Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon, which was founded in 1955, ranked seventeenth locally and 1371 globally, while Trabzon University is still new as it was founded in 2018. Therefore, it has no ranking currently, but it has a promising future.
Mersat Real Estate Is Your Gateway towards a Strong Investment with a Cultural Flavor:
In spite of the fact that Mersat Real Estate Company is concerned with real estate in Turkiye, it does not mean that we are limited to the field only. We care about the cultural aspect as well, where this is reflected in our team that we choose the educated and learned ones.
Thanks to Allah, then the science they have acquired, their experiences have been sharpened, and their insight has become more incisive in selecting the best for investors from real estate in Turkiye.
That is why we choose the most suitable real estate for the client, who is looking for real estate near universities or schools, taking into consideration his budget allocated to purchase a house in Trabzon, as well as whether he will use the house in Trabzon for housing or investment.
Moreover, Mersat Real Estate encourages those who do not have children studying in universities or schools to choose houses in Trabzon near libraries and cultural centers, because the circle of science expands every day and the mind needs sustainable intellectual food.
Marsat Real Estate offered you an article in which important information about schools and universities in Trabzon, touched on the most important details the client needs, who is looking to teach and educate his children and is thinking about choosing Trabzon to live and settle.
If you need more details about purchasing a house in Trabzon near important schools and universities of Trabzon, just contact us and we will serve you with dedication.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate Team ©