Why pay a service charge in Turkey?
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Why pay a service charge in Turkey?
The issue of monthly proceeds in Turkey is not an issue in which Turkey is unique, but many countries of the world adopt the method of monthly returns, as it is very important and imposes it on their citizens in order to provide them with a service. We can count these revenues as sort of taxes, or even taxes themselves. These returns are never arbitrary or a punishment for something. They are nothing but laws and controls for a specific purpose that will reflect positively on the Turkish state as a whole, its people and government. In order to delve into the details of these monthly returns more, you should read the following article.
What are the monthly service charge in Turkey in general?
These taxes are usually found in major residential complexes in Turkey and are paid for the many advanced services that come with the property. The tax that is paid differs from one real estate complex to another, as there are those who offer improvements more than others. On this principle, the tax amount that will be paid is determined. It is true that this is limited to large residential complexes, but there are some taxes that are in small properties, but they are lower taxes in accordance with the size of those properties and according to the services provided in them.
What is the basis for determining the monthly service charge for each property?
It is certain that real estate in Turkey will not all be on the same level of services and luxury, there will be differences in some aspects and based on these differences will be the tax difference. One of the most important factors that are taken into consideration in this regard is the area of the real estate, for example, the real estate with a large area, its returns differ radically from the real estate with a smaller area. The share of land ownership has an impact on this issue, and the internal details of the property as well and the level of services that the property enjoys, all of these factors are responsible for determining the tax value.
What is the mechanism for paying the monthly service charge in Turkey?
The tax number is one of the most important documents that you must obtain in Turkey, and this is in order to make life easier for you, and through it, you will pay your bills of water, electricity, gas and other life necessities. In addition, if you want to obtain a driver's certificate, this number will be one of the first things that will be requested in this transaction. We mentioned earlier that it is useful to open a bank account, or to pay the costs of obtaining Turkish residency. If you do not have a tax number, you will not have a residence permit. Or if you want to buy a car or residential property, you will also need a tax number. Finally, the monthly returns will not be able to be paid unless you obtain this number.
Is there a penalty for those who fail to pay the monthly service charge in Turkey?
Whoever is late in paying the monthly returns will incur a fine for each time he is late in paying. In the event of a long delay in paying it, this fine will increase significantly, and may reach a value greater than the basic tax.
Are there people who are exempted from monthly service charge in Turkey?
Monthly returns there are exempt from paying them, but in a few limited cases, such as relatives of martyrs, the unemployed and the disabled, but this category was conditioned by certain laws in order to be exempted.
Why is the payment of monthly service charge imposed on residential complexes in Turkey?
Monthly returns are imposed on those who live in residential complexes in Turkey for all the comfort and luxury provided to him, and if there were no such returns, there would be none of the services and entertainment that he enjoys at the present time. And you should know that these returns are an obligatory matter stipulated in a clause of Turkish law, and violating them means violating Turkish law. These returns are in lieu of the periodic maintenance work that takes place in the property, such as elevator maintenance, cleaning, guarding, security and all of that.
To whom are these service charge collected from residents of residential complexes in Turkey granted?
It is imperative that the money collected from the monthly returns in Turkey will be divided and distributed to several parties, and this division order is stipulated in the Turkish Constitution. To begin with, half of the amount collected from these monthly returns will be given to the work team responsible for managing all the necessary affairs. Also, twenty-five percent is given to those responsible for maintenance and energy work. And the last quarter of the amount obtained by the management of the complex. In a comprehensive view of the matter, we find that this division is just and equitable for almost all parties, and whoever divided it, his goal was that no one would be oppressed at all, and that each side should take its right.
At the end of the topic, we can conclude that the issue of monthly returns in Turkey is something logical and is adjacent to many countries of the world, and those returns in Turkey are simple in their imposed value if we compare them to other countries. If you live in residential complexes in Turkey, you must abide by all the things that will be imposed on you in order not to be subject to penalties and fines.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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