Important papers for registering a newborn baby in Turkey
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Registering a newborn baby in Turkey
When you are in Turkey and give birth to a child or newborn, you will need to register him in the Personal Status Department there. It is unreasonable to keep him without documents proving his presence, especially if you are a foreigner. It is certain that you will not have enough information about these matters, but it is important to ask someone who has sufficient knowledge or perhaps read about this topic in order to know the most important steps that you must take. That is why today we chose this simple topic, but it is complicated for some people, and our task is to clarify the vague and ambiguous points and clarify them in detail.
What are the documents required to register a newborn in Turkey:
There must be several steps and documents that you will need to bring in order to register your baby in Turkey. For starters, you will have to bring a passport for the mother and the same for the father to be accompanied with the family book. If there is no family book, the marriage certificate is sufficient instead of the first. Secondly, you will have to bring two personal photos of the father, and then bring a certificate of the birth of the young child, issued by the Turkish Personal Status Department and certified by the notary's office. In addition, the fees must be paid in full, which is fifty dollars. Finally, you need to get an appointment from the consulate of your country in the city where you live. These are almost the most important papers that you will need to bring, and they are available to most people, as they are not difficult to obtain.
What are the most important observations that are taken into account when registering a newborn in Turkey:
One of the most important notes that you should pay attention to when you register your newborn in Turkey is that you must register the newborn within a maximum period of three months only. In the event of a delay beyond this period, a fine of fifty dollars will be imposed on you, but if you are late by more than this, a fine of up to one hundred dollars will be imposed on you. You can avoid falling into this problem and be keen to register your newborn on time without delay.
What are the most common mistakes people make when registering their children in Turkey:
Some people who register their birth in Turkey make a mistake without realizing it. And this mistake is that when they obtain the data document for the newborn from the consulate of their country, they think that here their role ends and that the consulate is the one who will take care of the rest of the other procedures. But on the contrary, the consulate is not responsible for these tasks, however, it is you who must complete all the steps . One of the most important steps that you must take is to send the statement of the newborn to one of your acquaintances in your country of origin so that they can authenticate it from the country according to the existing laws, so that your situation will be correct and there is no error in it.
Is it necessary for the newborn to be registered in Turkey:
It is certainly necessary to register your newborn in Turkey, because it is considered, like any legal procedure in the country, that you can consider as a constitutional text, so this step must be taken. But what is the reason that makes Turkey insist on imposing this procedure on foreigners and expatriates, the answer will be because the percentage of foreigners in Turkey is very large, and in the case of these foreigners did not register their births according to the rules, chaos will spread throughout the country and the state will not know how to organize its affairs and the affairs of the people and organizations in it, so we can consider that this is a well-thought-out plan for the organization of statistical tables. Also, the Turkish state is keen on the issue of registering the newborn in order to obtain the necessary health care and timely vaccinations.
Some of what the Turkish-born registration document provides:
First, if the newborn is registered in Turkey in the official records, the child will have the right to obtain Turkish citizenship if he fulfills some of the necessary conditions for this. Also, this document will give your newborn the freedom to move wherever he wants and whenever he wants, otherwise he will be prohibited from doing so, so that he will have the opportunity to move between all Turkish provinces without fear of being exposed. If the parents want to take their child with them on a visit to their home country, this will be very possible without any obstacles or fines. Also, a newborn can obtain a family residence permit if one of his parents has a work permit.
What are the cases in which a newborn on the Turkish territory is granted Turkish citizenship:
There are cases in which a person born on the Turkish territory can obtain its citizenship, if one of his parents is of Turkish origin, or if one of his parents is applying for Turkish citizenship and it is under implementation. He will also obtain Turkish citizenship if one of his parents has a long-term work permit that exceeds five years. One of the most important cases in which a newborn obtains Turkish citizenship is if he spends the first eight years of his life continuously, thus obtaining it automatically. Finally, if one of his parents buys real estate in Turkey, this will be a justification for him to obtain Turkish citizenship.
At the conclusion of our conversation about a newborn born on the Turkish territory and the importance of registering him/her in its records, it becomes clear to us that it is a very important and indispensable matter. It is a document that proves the entity and identity of that child.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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