Documents to be certified by Notre in Turkey
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Documents to be certified by Notre in Turkey
The Turkish state, like many other countries in the world, is similar to them in many different matters. One of the most important things that exist in Turkey is the notre, or as they are called the Notary. This notary is not limited in presence to Turkey, but has a presence in many countries of the world.
What is the importance of having a nutria in Turkey?
The presence of the notary is very important, the task of his presence comes right after government departments and courts. Although it is not an official government agency, but without it, all papers and documents are considered null and do not exist as well. It gives the official legal imprint of any paper, document, passport, or perhaps a contract of sale and purchase of a property in Turkey. It also guarantees the rights of all parties involved in the contracts and prevents them from losing rights and opportunities for disputes as well. In addition, the notary public works to facilitate the affairs of foreigners residing in Turkey, and their papers that they brought from their country become as if they were issued by the Turkish state after being certified by the Turkish notary. We can also consider that the notary public in Turkey is the real facilitator for most matters such as registering marriage contracts, family documents and birth certificates.
As for students coming from abroad for the purpose of study, the notary public is tasked with certifying their certificates from their countries. In the event that a resident or expatriate on Turkish territory wants to send a visit card to one of his relatives from another country, it will be the tasks of the notary public to facilitate the process of sending that card. Finally, it works to extract documents for foreigners that include their residence addresses, which will be used in the process of obtaining a residence permit in Turkey.
What are the most important documents that are certified by Notre in Turkey?
The Notre in Turkey must have a lot of importance, and this importance stems from the number of services he provides there. He authenticates many documents and papers such as personal identity, passport, birth certificate, marriage contract, car driving certificate, school certificates and many other papers, whatever they are, they will need to be certified by the Notre, and if they are not certified, they will not be considered at the time and may be considered null or perhaps forged. All types of transactions require this certification, so make sure that you are fully committed to it so that you are not exposed to violations and possibly financial fines.
Where can you find a Notary in Turkey?
To find the position of the notary is not difficult to achieve, it is easy to reach. In every region in Turkey, there is a notary public of its own, this is at the level of one region. As for all these centers scattered throughout the city, they are brought together by a major center for all the city called the Notary Chamber, which is responsible for all its affiliated centers. If the residents of the area have a problem with the center of their area, they can go directly to the Great City Chamber and inform them of the matter.
What are the advantages of having a notary in Turkey?
To begin with, there must be services provided to the people in Turkey in general that are issued by this office. It is certainly not found in vain. First, the paper that you will stamp or certify from the notary office in Turkey will automatically keep a copy of that document. You can, in the future, if you need an additional copy of your document or lose it, return to the same office you dealt with last time and get what you want. Also, the profession of the notary clerk helps to limit the spread of any forged papers. The issue is very clear. If the paper does not have the seal of the notary, it is void and unreal. In addition, it helps the Turkish government in archiving and searching for what they want.
What are the costs that you need to pay for attesting documents with Notre in Turkey?
There is nothing free, so when you authenticate documents and papers from Noter in Turkey, you will need to pay money for this service. But the amount that you will pay is simple and reasonable, but there is no fixed price for all the papers. Each document you ratify has a price that is different from the others. But in general, attestation starts with 40 Turkish liras up to 150 Turkish liras for some documents.
Does the Notre in Turkey have downsides or something like that?
Certainly, there is nothing without negatives or absolute positives. The notary public in Turkey has almost one bad thing, which is that all notaries do not speak a language other than Turkish, and therefore foreigners from the country will not be able to communicate with them, they must bring a sworn translator who speaks their language to the notary to be of assistance to them in solving their problems and moving forward in their transactions.
Finally, and at the end of our talk about the Notary in Turkey and the papers that are certified by him, it becomes clear to us that the role of this notary is very important, and nothing is valid unless it is passed on the notaries and we are keen to tell you the most important details related to it.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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