I have two wives .. Will the Turkish government accept them?
Last Updated: 2023-07-27I have two wives. Does the Turkish government accept to install them?
Many families moved left and right in pursuit of reaching marital stability and obtaining children who make them happy and happy their lives and form a happy and stable family, and it is certain that each family seeks to choose the appropriate country that provides it with the necessary facilities in order to secure the necessary life requirements and accept them and accept their children and recognize them and their marriage. Buying a property in Turkey, and it also accepts students with certain simple conditions, and it has enabled married couples to officially confirm their marriage in Turkey legally, so how do we confirm the marriage, what are its conditions, and what are the necessary procedures to do so?
Marriage confirmation:
It is a transaction carried out by married couples in order to make their marriage official in any country, whether it is its home country or a new country.
Marriage contract in Turkey:
It is a civil contract organized by one of the marriage registration offices in the municipality in the place where the person is in Turkey, and any marriage that is not officially established is an unrecognized marriage in Turkey.
Documents required in order to establish a marriage in Turkey:
- A contract to rent an apartment in Turkey , a civil record, or any proof confirming the couple's residence in Turkey.
- Issuing a certified record from the Notary in Turkey and extracting it from the embassy or consulate of the foreign country.
- A copy of the passport translated into Turkish and certified by a notary.
- A bachelor's document or civil status record certified by the embassy or consulate of the foreign country, this document is called a "certificate of no impediment".
- Written consent of a guardian if he is between the ages of sixteen and eighteen.
- Medical reports confirming that the couple is free of diseases.
- A divorce certificate or a death statement for the former husband in the event that the marriage is confirmed for the second wife, and this is the first observation regarding the presence of two wives with the expatriate in Turkey.
Conditions for accepting marriage confirmation in Turkey:
- Free from certain diseases such as mental illness (epilepsy - madness - hysteria), and chronic diseases such as (hepatitis C or AIDS) so that the presence of these diseases constitutes an obstacle to marriage and its establishment in Turkey, and therefore the couple must carry out a comprehensive and complete examination of all previous diseases, in addition to a fertility examination in order to marry.
- The ability of the spouses to marry, as the spouses must have sufficient mental ability to make the decision to marry, as we mentioned earlier, this is one of the diseases that prevent the confirmation of marriage in the Turkish government, but it is possible to confirm such a marriage if the medical authority states that the patient can marry without affecting him, and in these cases, the state is the one who determines the medical institution that must be visited and obtain these papers from it.
- Spouses must be over the age of 18 to accept confirmation of their marriage, but if they are between the ages of 16 and 18, they need the consent of the guardian as mentioned above.
- That there is no previous marriage, and this is the second observation regarding the confirmation of marriage in the event that there are two wives, as the Turkish government does not accept polygamy and does not allow a second marriage and requires proof that there is no second wife, a divorce document, or a death statement for the former wife.
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