Why Turkey is an ideal choice for investors and businessmen
Last Updated: 2023-07-27Why Turkey is an ideal choice for investors and businessmen
The real estate market in Turkey has become a destination for a very large category of investors, because of its fame, and this fame has been built on ideal components, including:
• The strong Turkish economy.
• Solid infrastructure.
• Turkey's real estate prices compete for the best properties in the world.
• An important and ideal strategic location, which constitutes a link between European countries and the countries of the Middle East.
• Wonderful sea views, as Turkey overlooks the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, and many other lakes, such as Lake Tangier
• Moderate and attractive Mediterranean climate.
• The high quality of Turkey's various buildings and properties, based on the latest technologies and using the best building materials.
• Services related to real estate in Turkey, such as transportation, security and protection, and hygiene.
• The great real estate diversity in real estate andapartments in Turkey, as the real estate market in Turkey is crowded with houses, apartments, hotels, residential complexes, lands, and various real estate development projects.
• Active tourist movement, due to the richness of the Turkish state in various tourist stations.
• Strong investment activity and active real estate movement.
• Government support, and giving the real estate sector great importance and attention, by the Turkish government, through a number of real estate laws, and various facilities for foreign investors.
Granting Turkish citizenship to foreign investors is one of the most important decisions of the Turkish government!
What are the advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship?
The law granting Turkish citizenship to foreign investors in return for their investments in Turkey has captured the attention and admiration of many major investors, due to the advantages and powers enjoyed by Turkish citizenship holders in Turkey and many other countries, as the Turkish passport ranges between the thirty-sixth and thirty-ninth rank globally, and there are many other advantages for its holders. This law was issued in 2010, and was amended in 2018, and through it, Turkish citizenship is granted For investors within specific conditions and details, we will address them below:
What are the conditions for granting you Turkish citizenship in exchange for real estate investment?
You must be a holder of one of the nationalities covered by the Turkish Naturalization Law, (this law covered most nationalities except for some specific ones, such as Syria and Armenia), and also requires that you be an adult.
What are the details of obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment?
The Turkish government grants Turkish citizenship to real estate investors in Turkey when buying a property in Turkey worth at least four hundred thousand dollars, provided that this property is not sold for a period of three years from the date of purchase, and it is also granted when investing with a capital of at least five hundred thousand dollars.
Turkish citizenship is also granted to foreigners who show a document proving that they have deposits in the bank with a value of not less than four hundred thousand dollars, or its equivalent in currencies, provided that the deposits remain in the bank for a period of three years. Turkish citizenship is also obtained by employing at least one hundred Turkish employees.
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