International protection in Turkey ... rights and duties
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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International protection in Turkey
A refugee in Turkish law is any person who exists as a result of events that occurred in countries of the world except for European countries and because of his well-founded fear of being persecuted for legitimate reasons related to his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinions, or any person who does not have a nationality and is outside his country of habitual residence because of these circumstances and he cannot return to that country. How does Turkey organize the lives of refugees, what are their rights and duties, and what are the types of asylum in Turkey.
You will read this article:
Conditional refugee
Secondary protection
Temporary protection
Refugee Documents
Rights and duties
Conditional refugee
Any person who resorts to Turkey as a result of events that occurred in countries of the world except for European countries, because of his well-founded fear of being persecuted for legitimate reasons related to his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinions outside his country of nationality, and is unable to seek protection from his country, or every person who does not have a nationality and is outside his country of habitual residence because of these circumstances and cannot return to that country until he obtains the right of residence in a third country.
Secondary protection
According to Turkish law, people are given the right of subsidiary protection if the following matters apply to them:
If he will be sentenced to death or will be executed.
If he will be subjected to torture, punishment, inhuman or degrading treatment.
This term refers to the status granted to a foreigner or a person who does not have a nationality or who cannot benefit from the protection of the country of origin or country of residence due to a real threat such as exposure to situations of armed conflict at the international and national levels or exposure to serious threats to the same person due to acts of non-discriminatory violence.
Temporary protection
It is a type of protection process created in order to provide urgent solutions when an influx of people occurs. Because of the inability of countries to implement the responsibilities of return for the large influx of people and instead of wasting time in order to determine the conduct of postural determination procedures for those who came in large numbers as a result of the large influx, this method is considered a quick and practical complementary solution.
1. Identity document of the applicant for international protection:
An identity document valid for one year is granted to the applicant for international protection and to the family members involved in the application, if any, after completing the interview with them. This identity document contains the foreigner's identity number. The aforementioned identity document is also extended another year for persons whose application does not show the final result. The said identity document is not subject to any fees and replaces the residence permit.
2. The identity document of the holder of international protection status:
International protection status (refugee, conditional refugee, subsidiary protection) is granted to applicants of international protection whose application is deemed appropriate. A three-year identity document containing a foreigner's identification number is issued to those granted refugee and conditional refugee status and subsidiary protection status. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 85 and 86 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458, the status of foreigners is renewed for a period of three years until their status is terminated or revoked. These identification documents are not subject to any fees and replace the residence permit.
3. Temporary protection identity document
The Syrians were allowed to stay in Turkey by giving them a temporary protection identity document issued in their names according to the temporary protection regulation dated 10/13/2014 prepared by the General Directorate, and when talking about the document:
- This document grants the holder the right to remain in Turkey, but it is not equivalent to the residence permit or the alternative documents mentioned in Law No. 6458
- Not subject to any financial charges
- The document contains the foreigner's identity number, which allows its holder to benefit from the assistance and services provided to them.
- This document does not grant the right to move to a long-term residence permit.
- The duration of stay in this document is not taken into consideration in relation to the residence permit, nor does it grant its holder the right to apply for Turkish citizenship.
- The holder of this document can subscribe to services, including electronic communication service.
Rights and duties
A person who is granted international protection or temporary protection is entitled to benefit from primary and intermediate education in accordance with their cases.
Those who do not have any health insurance and are unable to pay the expenses of medical services are subject to the provisions of the Social Security and Health Insurance Law for a period of one year. As for the disabled, they are not covered by the time limit.
A refugee in Turkey has the right to apply for a work permit after 6 months from the date of the protection request.
Turkish law clarifies a set of responsibilities for a refugee:
1 - The competent authorities must be informed of his work address within 30 days from the start of work
2- He must inform the competent authorities of his movable and immovable property and his income
3- The competent authorities must be informed of changes in his residence address or civil status
4 - When it is proven that he is not entitled to receive financial and in-kind assistance and other services, he must pay the value of the assistance received in full.
5- He must implement the matters requested by the Directorate of Immigration in accordance with the legislation.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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