Those deported from Turkey .. Who are they?
Last Updated: 2023-07-27Those deported from Turkey .. Who are they?
When foreigners residing in Turkey bypass the laws, they expose themselves to punishment that varies according to the violation, which is in the form of a fine, imprisonment or deportation (deportation from Turkish territory).
You will read in this article
Who are the persons against whom the deportation decision is issued?
Persons exempted from deportation
Appeal against the deportation decision
The legal time limit for the deportation decision
People are dismissed without giving them time
Persons against whom a deportation decision is issued
Supporters, members, or administrators of terrorist organizations or organized criminal organizations that aim to advance personal interests.
Persons who provide false documents or incorrect information when making entry procedures to Turkey to apply for visa and residence
Obtaining living expenses during his stay in Turkey illegally or legally
who pose a threat to order, security and public safety
Those whose visa period or visa exemption period has exceeded more than ten days, or whose visas have been canceled
Persons whose residence permits have been revoked
who continued to reside in Turkey despite the expiry of their residency period and exceeded them for ten days starting from the date of expiry of residency without providing a legitimate and acceptable excuse.
Those who have been proven to work without obtaining work permits
who have violated the legal provisions related to matters of entry and exit from Turkey.
people who were prevented from entering Turkey but in spite of that entered Turkey.
Those against whom it was issued: Refusal of the application for international protection, who are outside the scope of international protection, who consider their applications for international protection rejected, who withdrew their applications for international protection, who consider their applications for international protection withdrawn, the expiration or cancellation of the international status after the final decision against them and according to the other provisions of Law No. 6458, who are not entitled to stay in Turkey.
whose applications for residence "permits" were rejected and did not leave Turkey within ten days of being notified.
Persons who have been granted international protection applications or who are in the status of international protection, when there is compelling evidence that they constitute a threat to the security of the state, and a deportation decision is issued against them.
Persons who have been granted international protection applications or who are in a status of international protection, when a final judgment is issued against them for posing a threat to the security of the system
Persons exempted from deportation
If it is confirmed that the person against whom the decision has been issued will face the death penalty, torture, inhuman treatment, punishment or an affront to human dignity in the country to which he is to be deported.
If the person is elderly, pregnant, or sick so severely that he cannot bear the burden of travel
If the person suffers from a severe illness and receives important treatment and that the treatment he receives does not exist in the country to which he will be deported
victims of human trafficking who are in the process of receiving victim support
victims of sexual, physical or psychological violence until the completion of the treatment and treatment phase
Appeal against the deportation decision
- The foreigner, his legal representative or his lawyer, has the right to review the administrative court within fifteen days, starting from the date of notification of the deportation decision.
- The person who reviewed or appealed the deportation decision must inform the authority that issued the deportation decision.
- The final decision on the deportation decision is issued within seven days.
- The court's decision is final.
Provided that the alien's consent is taken into account, the deportation decision shall not be implemented during the trial period against the alien who has gone to court; In other words, when the court reviews against the deportation decision, there is no need to submit a request for suspension of execution. With the submission of the request to the court, the implementation will stop immediately because there is the right to submit the personal request of all individuals to the Constitutional Court. The foreign person has the right to appeal the decision of the Administrative Court in the Constitutional Court .
The legal time limit for the deportation decision
Those against whom the deportation decision was issued shall be given a period of no less than 15 days and not more than 30 days, provided that this is indicated in the deportation decision.
An "exit permit" is issued to those against whom a deportation decision has been issued.
Those against whom a decision to leave Turkey has been issued, if they leave Turkey within the period specified for them, may not face the penalty of preventing their entry into Turkish territory.
Foreigners who do not leave Turkey within the period specified for them, are subject to an administrative detention order.
People get away without giving them time
Those who have the risk of running away and disappearing
Those who violated the laws of entry and exit from Turkey.
Those who used forged documents
Those who submitted false documents to obtain a residence permit or were proven to have used it.
Those who pose a threat to security, safety and public health.
Source: Turkish Immigration General Administration
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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