Simple steps to establish marriage in Turkey
Last Updated: 2023-09-21
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Simple steps to establish marriage in Turkey
In this article, Mersat Real Estate discusses the issue of validating the marriage contract in Turkey in an orderly and legal manner. Learn about the steps to document marriage for foreigners in Turkey, step by step.
You will read in this article:
- The papers necessary for the marriage to be established in Turkey
- Things we must pay attention to in order to document marriage in Turkey
- How much does it cost to document a marriage in Turkey:
Do foreigners have the right to confirm marriage in Türkiye?
Yes, certainly, within the legal conditions and procedures for marriage in Turkey, foreigners are allowed to organize a marriage contract, whether one of the spouses is a foreigner or both.
· If one of the spouses is Turkish and the other is a foreigner, or if the spouses are of different foreign nationalities, the Turkish authorities will only recognize the marriage contract concluded in the civil court in Turkey.
· If the spouses are of the same nationality, the Turkish authorities recognize contracts authenticated by the embassy or consulate of their country, and the marriage can also be confirmed in Turkey in the civil court.
· If one of the spouses is Turkish and the other is a foreigner, or if the spouses are of different foreign nationalities, the Turkish authorities will only recognize the marriage contract concluded in the civil court in Turkey.
· If the spouses are of the same nationality, the Turkish authorities recognize contracts authenticated by the embassy or consulate of their country, and the marriage can also be confirmed in Turkey in the civil court.
What are the necessary papers for the marriage to be documented in Turkey:
When you take a step in the transactions in Turkey or even in other countries, it is certain that you will need some papers and documents. One of the most important papers required to document marriage in Turkey is a copy of your passport, provided that it is translated into the Turkish language, in addition to the step of attesting and stamping it from the notary office in Turkey.
If the passport is not available, it can be replaced by a copy of the residence permit, according to which an assessment is made on Turkish lands.
In the second step, you will need a paper proving where you live. If you are staying in a house for rent, you will have to bring the rental contract paper. If you are the owner of a residential house, you can bring the title deed.
Later, you will have to bring a paper to prove your marital status, whether you are single, married or otherwise. And this paper must be certified by your country, and this is done through the embassy of your country in Turkey.
The fourth step requires you to extract a record for yourself, and this also must be obtained from the embassy of your country in Turkey and then signed by the notary office located in Turkey.
The fifth step says that if you were previously married, you must bring the divorce paper that ends the previous marriage. In some cases, the previous marriage may be terminated due to death, in which case you will have to bring the death certificate of the partner. Sixthly, if the wife or husband is under the age of eighteen, this marriage will not take place unless a paper is brought bearing the written consent of the guardian proving there is no objection to this marriage.
The fifth step says that if you were previously married, you must bring the divorce paper that ends the previous marriage. In some cases, the previous marriage may be terminated due to death, in which case you will have to bring the death certificate of the partner. Sixthly, if the wife or husband is under the age of eighteen, this marriage will not take place unless a paper is brought bearing the written consent of the guardian proving there is no objection to this marriage.
Finally, it is necessary to bring medical reports that do not conflict with the completion of the marriage and that say that there are no health problems with one of the parties that prevent this.
How can marriage be documented in Turkey?
Of course, we will need several steps to take in order to complete and authenticate the marriage in Turkey. First, you will have to prepare all the documents and papers that we talked about above to the fullest without prejudice to any of them. After that, you have to go to the municipal office in the governorate in which you reside, and there you will have to go to the marriage department and ask for a marriage form to fill out with the required data. After you have completed the form, you must go to the registration office in the marriage department and hand them over all that will be asked of you, which is the registration form. Secondly, personal photos of each of the husband and wife, the medical report, the proof of residence, the registration release paper, are almost everything. As for the other steps, the competent authorities will take it, which will determine the appropriate time for the marriage to take place.
What are the most important things that we should pay attention to in order to document marriage in Turkey?
First of all, whoever contracted his marriage outside the borders of Turkish territory will not have to re-establish the marriage in Turkey, there is no need for that at all, so it is satisfied with the papers issued by the courts of their country that their marriage is valid. Secondly, you should not give up on obtaining a family book in Turkey because it is very important, as it will help you to officially register your children in the Personal Status Department. And thirdly, when you will undergo a medical examination that says that there is no health impediment in order to complete the marriage, it is not you who will choose the place where the examination will take place, but the Turkish state will choose the hospital or health center for you. Finally, when you have completed all the procedures to document the marriage and handed in all the papers and documents, it will take a week before you are summoned to perform the marriage contract.
How much does it cost to document a marriage in Turkey?
This issue must cost some money, you have the costs of the transaction of marriage and it is a simple matter, it will cost you only two hundred and fifty Turkish liras, and this is at its maximum. Later, each paper you sign from the notary office will have a cost, but they are all reasonable. The most expensive paper will not cost you more than a hundred and twenty-five Turkish liras. In short, all the costs that you will have to pay in order to document the marriage in Turkey will not exceed a thousand Turkish liras, or perhaps a little less.
The treatment of marriage confirmation in Turkey, like any other transaction you undertake, is necessary and you cannot do without it. It turns out that there are easy and simple steps that you can take in a few days, as well as the cost of proving this marriage is simple and not high.
Marriage to a Turkish citizen is one of the conditions for granting citizenship to foreigners, but a real estate investment of $250,000 is the fastest way to obtain a Turkish passport and enjoy the rights of a Turkish citizen.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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