If you are a lessor or a tenant, you should know the rental laws in Turkey
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Rental laws in Turkey
The Turkish state must be the same as all countries around the world, as it also has properties for rent, and all types of properties undisputedly are capable of being rented. Therefore, whatever came in your mind, you should move towards it directly. There are no red lines, but there are some things that you should be aware of when you make the decision to rent. Today we are going to talk about the most important things related to rental contracts in Turkey and the law that imposes these rules.
What are the most important things that should be mentioned when signing a lease contract in Turkey?
Certainly, there are things and items that must be present while you sign the lease agreement in Turkey. One of the most important things that should be mentioned is the monthly amount of rent agreed upon by both parties, i.e. the tenant and the lessor. The date of each month on which the rental amount will be paid must also be mentioned in the lease contract. It is important to know that there are several ways for the payment process to take place, for example, the cash payment delivered by hand, and you can also transfer the amount to the property owner through his account in the bank. And do not forget at all to be careful to mention the period during which you will stay in the property in the rental contract; this information must be clear and frank, and not ambiguous. In addition, the personal data of both parties should be mentioned, i.e. both the landlord and the tenant, and this data is represented in the full name and all the details contained in the personal card.
The most important thing you should pay attention to in rental contracts in Turkey:
Once this contract is signed and the date of the end of the lease term is set, you, as a property owner, will not be able to remove the tenant from the property before the end of the specified time written in the text of the contract and signed as well, except in rare cases that require him to be removed and the competent authority is supervising that matter. Later, after signing the contract, you have to keep it with you, because without it, it is as if you never rented anything. It is the official proof that this property is yours for a certain period of time. It is also strictly prohibited if the original owner of the property wants to raise the value of the money amount, the rental price, to meet his request, because this is a clear violation of the laws established in this regard. Even if he wanted to raise the rent, he had to wait until the appointed time was up and do whatever he wants.
What are the prices of rental properties in Turkey?
The rent in Turkey, like all countries of the world, varies in value from one city to another and from one region to another. And the closer we got to the major cities the more we were going with an increase in price. For example, a property in Istanbul consisting of two rooms and their utilities, the usual rental price is approximately two thousand Turkish liras. If we move a little further from the city center and get closer to the outskirts, the price will be around one thousand and two hundred Turkish lira only. And if the property is a bit larger, the monthly rental price can reach three thousand Turkish liras at most.
What does Turkish law stipulate regarding the payment of the insurance amount imposed on the tenant?
There are many ways and methods that its impossible not to find an appropriate way to pay the insurance amount. We have a method of payment, for example, by checks or bonds. However, there is advice that must be taken into consideration, which is not to pay the insurance amount in cash to the property owner, but rather it can be placed as a deposit in a bank for a trust fee. Also, the insurance amount must be written in the rental contract so that it can be a proof with the tenant against the landlord in case his intentions were bad.
What did Turkish law decide on the amount of insurance paid?
This is explained within Turkish law, and this insurance is known and has a specified value, and it can never be tampered with; it is the value of renting the property for a period of three months. This is an important point that the tenant must be aware of. It is absolutely forbidden for the insurance deposit to exceed three months' rent, and it is allowed to be less than that.
How does the tenant guarantee that the insurance deposit will be returned to him?
The tenant does not need to rely on the conscience of the landlord in order to return the insurance to him, as he can guarantee his right from the beginning by organizing papers and documents in which all these things are registered. If there are damages to the property, the original property owner cannot take anything from the amount before an official judgment is issued against the tenant. Just as the insurance is in the interest of the owner of the property to guarantee his right, it can also be in the interest of the lessee. The lessee can guarantee his right by registering everything that is in the property of qualities and contents inside. What is missing, you do not have to return it in full, because that is none of your business.
The lease contracts that take place on Turkish lands are never an exception, in almost all of the world the same rules and laws apply, but with some minor differences and discrepancies between them. Therefore, if you are in Turkey and want to rent a property, this will be possible and with minimal procedures. You will only have to be careful with a few simple steps.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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