Turkish measures to counter the Corona virus - COVID19
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Confronting the Coronavirus COVID19
The Corona crisis constituted an economic, political, health and moral test for the global system, and for the effectiveness of its infrastructure. In this article, we will highlight the life and economic aspects within the framework of the measures taken by the Turkish government to confront the emerging corona virus pandemic and the extent of the flexibility of state institutions and infrastructure in adapting to all circumstances and situations.
The beginning:
With the first hours of the emergence of the Corona virus, the Turkish government rushed to take the necessary measures to prevent the spread of this epidemic to Turkey, imposing strict measures on airports and border crossings. These measures contributed to delaying its entry to Turkey for a period of 4 months, while the developed countries of Europe turned into hotbeds for the spread of this epidemic.
With the announcement of the first infection in Turkey, the Ministry of Health formed a scientific body to manage the Corona crisis, unveiling a plan according to which more than 99,000 rooms were prepared in hospitals designated for health isolation and ready to be transformed into intensive care rooms automatically in time of need, and a quarantine was imposed on the returning citizens. From outside the country in designated premises prepared in advance. It announced the availability of 32,000 vacancies with the aim of providing its health cadres, and made public transportation free for all health sector workers. The Ministry of Health has also launched awareness campaigns for all citizens about the dangers of Corona and ways to prevent it.
On the other hand, the Ministry of National Education hastened to establish an official holiday in all educational institutions from schools and universities, and as a result, it implemented the distance education system on a national basis, that is, comprehensive for all citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey, which made Turkey the second in the world after China in the field of distance education bypassing the most advanced countries, and this has been helped by the advanced infrastructure of Turkish communications networks, and the group of satellites launched by Turkey during the past two decades, which provided fast home Internet lines, in addition to many educational TV channels, This is due to a group of satellites launched by Turkey during the past two decades.
The human:
In terms of life, the state of home quarantine did not pose any life problem for citizens or foreigners residing in Turkey alike. There is no shortage of daily needs, due to electronic shopping services from the home, in addition to the abundance of food and life commodities. The Turkish government also accelerated the process of controlling markets and preventing cases of monopoly, and assured citizens of the availability of food stocks that would suffice Turkey for two years. It has also prepared specialized staff to take care of the elderly who do not have anyone to support them even in their homes.
On the economic level, the Turkish government launched a series of economic measures worth 100 billion Turkish liras (15 billion US dollars) under the name of "Economic Stability Shield" in order to support small and medium-sized companies and workers as well, including the banking, financial and industrial sectors, according to which taxes were reduced and some were abolished, It also canceled bank interests on some loans and exempted workers from social security fees, and the Turkish government also guaranteed the payment of salaries for workers in companies affected by the pandemic for a period of 3 months.
Infrastructure strength:
Turkey owns many local and international shipping companies, in addition to the development of telecommunications infrastructure and Internet networks. Because of the flexibility of Turkish laws and the consolidation of the concept of e-government, the E-devlet allowed most companies and workers the ability to work remotely, which contributed to the continued movement of the economy despite the current crisis, so production and export did not stop.
Real Estate Investment:
There is no doubt that the real estate sector was one of the sectors that was supposed to be most affected in light of this crisis, and to avoid these damages, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanism launched the web-titledeed electronic platform to manage the property from home and conduct all real estate transactions, in addition to inspecting the property through a three-dimensional tour. Without the need to leave the house or visit the centers of the directorates of the Land Registry, for Turkish citizens and foreigners alike, even from outside the Turkish Republic.
It is certain that the Corona crisis will have repercussions and side effects in the near future and will constitute a turning point in Turkey's modern history, but it bears with it strategic positive results that will be evident in the coming years.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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