What do we mean by "real estate guaranteed by the Turkish government"
Last Updated: 2023-07-27What do we mean by "real estate guaranteed by the Turkish government"
The current time in which we live we can find that there is a very high demand for buying and owning real estate in Turkey. Investors were welcomed and many facilities were found for them and of course these facilities came from the Turkish state in the first place. They simplified matters and put them in their hands, However, we hear lately a lot about buying a property with the Turkish government's guarantee, what is this news and what is the meaning of this decision, all you want to know about this topic you can find in the following lines.
- What does it mean to buy a property in Turkey with the guarantee of the Turkish government?
When we say buying a property with the guarantee of the Turkish government, this means that this government will be first responsible for this project in all its details and processes, and it will be side by side with some private institutions, that is, this property is guaranteed by the Turkish government being a participatory project between the government and the private sectors, however, the question Where exactly is the role of the government in such a project? The role of the Turkish state is that it will be the main supervisor of the project and also the authority to secure the land on which the project will be built. It will also supervise the project details in terms of the quality of the building materials used, their quantities and many other matters and details.
What are the advantages of buying a property that is guaranteed by the Turkish government?
It is imperative that buying a property that is guaranteed by the Turkish government has many advantages as well, so it is enough that you will be confident of all the details that are going on in the property you have purchased. First, you will receive the project at the agreed time without delaying and also you will get it with the finest and most luxurious building materials at all without tampering with the quantities, as is the case with some private sector projects, and in this government guarantee you will always have your project with satisfaction and exactly as you want because the supervising authority, which is the Turkish government, is the strongest and most sincere.
What are the contracts that are signed when buying a property with the Turkish government's guarantee?
When you decide to buy a property with the guarantee of the Turkish government, this means that the project will be registered in your name through one of the following two options, the first option is direct, and this is where there are only the two parties involved in the matter, which is the investor who will buy the property and the other party is the government, and everything is done according to the rules, but in case the investor decides to buy the property in installments, so he/she must bear in mind that this is possible, but not in the long term, so they must pay the installments within a short period to be determined by the government party. As for the other form of contracts, it is a contract of assignment and it is between the investor party and the other party is the Turkish citizen who will sell his property; It is a safe way as well, so you can choose the contract that is suitable for you, and you must know that the second option is the best for you in case you want to buy it in long installments.
Is it necessary for the property to be purchased through construction companies in Turkey?
There are many questions asked about buying a property with the Turkish government's guarantee and about the role of construction companies in the matter. Is the role of these companies important or not? Of course, the role of these companies is very important and effective as well as they offer you all the features that you aspire to have in your property, so you take a summary of the government and private features together, and also these companies will ensure that you are not fooled and robbed of your money. You will get all international specifications and high quality at a cost price without putting a lot of profit. The engineering designs will be offered to you, in addition, they are the best available and all are modern and new.
What services will you get with your property, which is guaranteed by the Turkish government?
These projects must have a lot of services that come with them. The property that is guaranteed by the Turkish government is comfortable for its residents, as it is full of endless services. You can find gardens inside residential complexes, swimming pools, sports clubs, a school and a mosque as well. All this is either near or inside the residential complex sometimes. All of this aims for the investor's complete and endless comfort. Also we must mention that these projects are cheaper than projects that belong to the private sector, and of course this is one of the most important aspects that usually interest the investor. This project or real estate can be paid in installments and in the long term, as well, this period sometimes reaches about twenty years. The first payment is simple and not large. One of the most important services that you can get in this government property is that all the steps and the supporting documents will go smoothly and in the right way without risking anything, and if the project goes bankrupt, your money will be safely far from loss, as all that was mentioned in the previous indicate that the real estate guaranteed by the Turkish government is inevitably successful.
Finally, at the end of our conversation about real estate that is guaranteed by the Turkish government, it becomes clear to us that this project is one of the excellent things that worked to benefit the investor in the first place and the Turkish citizen as well, and this matter differs radically from the projects of the private sector. If you are an investor coming to Turkey, you should buy Real estate belonging to the government sector, it is secured, safe and riskless, so go ahead with what you are determined to do.
Editing by Mersat Real Estate Team©
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