Visit Turkey and get one of the residence permits
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Visit Turkey and get one of the residence permits
Many people who want to spend time in Turkey for the purpose of tourism or shopping, take out a short-term stay. This residence is of short duration, and of course this type of residence has multiple types, so we chose in this article to show you the most important types of these residences and how to obtain them.
What are the types of short-term residence permits in Turkey and how can they be obtained
1- Real estate residence: Real estate residency is considered one of the most short-term residencies that are usually requested by foreigners, because it includes many advantages, desires and guarantees, and it is what the foreigner usually needs most. But if you are wondering how to get it, from its name, you can realize what you want to know. By purchasing real estate in Turkey, even if it is only one property, this will entitle you to acquire it. This residence has many advantages such as that you will be able to renew it if you wish and also your family can be by your side under this residence.
2- Residence for conducting research and experiments: You may be wondering in your heart, is it possible to have a residence in Turkey dedicated to conducting experiments and research? Yes, this also exists and this is a short-term residence under which you will stay in Turkey during the period of residence for the research for which you came. You can obtain this residence through the Turkish consulate located in your home country, which will grant you an entry permit without any problems or obstacles. But when you obtain this residence, you must submit all your research papers to the Turkish Consulate, because they will be your proof of your sincerity of intentions. Also, you must mention the length of time that you will need to stay there, because there is no fixed period that governs this stay, so every researcher takes the time he needs.
3- Tourist residence: Also, this type of residency is needed and preferred by many people. How many people choose Turkey to make a trip to its lands and monuments, and this trip will not take place unless the person in question has a tourist residence, which is very short, starting from 3 months and reaching its maximum limit for two years. And in order to be one of the people who obtain it, you must abide by all the documents that are required of you to bring, because they are necessary. One of the most important things you must have is that your passport is valid for the period you will stay there, otherwise your visit will end with the expiration of your passport.
4- Establishing a student exchange: This type of stay is popular all over the world and it is a short stay that ends with the end of your study period for which you were sent. As for how to obtain it, you will need to have between your country of origin and the Turkish state a student exchange project in a specialty, so you go and others come, and this residence has the sole purpose of exchanging science, knowledge and cultures as well. Also, once you are a student studying in Turkey, you are entitled to obtain this residence permit.
5- Therapeutic residence: Turkey is famous among many countries of the world as the appropriate place to be a therapeutic theater for those who wish to do so, as it includes the most famous medical staff and is ready for such a purpose. Also, its health centers are equipped with the latest medical technologies, which makes it a target for many people around the world. But in order to obtain this residence you will have the task to bring several documents and papers that prove and certify your health condition. Depending on the state of health, the duration of your stay in Turkey will be.
6- Investment residence: This residence is primarily of interest to investors who have a desire to invest in Turkey, but to obtain it, you must prove to the stakeholders that you are a real investor, so you provide them with all the required documents. You should also know that this residency requires that a certain amount of money is available for the investment that will be offered. And, of course, it carries a lot of features that are offered to its owner. If you are one of the owners of the money, you can apply for it because it inevitably suits you.
What is the most important thing that a foreigner must have in order to obtain a short-term residence in Turkey?
First of all, and in order to be able to obtain this residence easily, you must submit all the papers that are required of you, because any deficiency in it will cause you a problem that you need. Also, you should not be a carrier of a serious or communicable disease because this would be considered a danger to Turkish society. Also, you must not be a person who can destabilize the security of the Turkish state. You must be peaceful and have no ill intentions. Finally, you must be residing in an integrated residence in Turkey. All of those conditions that a person wishing to obtain a short-term residence must meet are simple and can be met. Everything we provided was possible and we tried as much as possible to mention some short-term stays in Turkey and the most important ones as well.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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