Renewing Real Estate Residence Permit in Türkiye 2024
Last Updated: 2023-10-21Renewing Real Estate Residence Permit in Türkiye 2024
Is it possible to renew the real estate residence permit in Türkiye? Due to the importance of this type of residence permit in Türkiye, there are many questions about it. Therefore, the editorial team at Marsat Real Estate company prepared this article, in which everything related to that residence permit will be presented: privileges - how to renew it - how to obtain it - the papers required to submit - the conditions that must be fulfilled, and all the information that interest you.
Real Estate Residence Permit in Türkiye
First, it should be noted that real estate residence permit is one of the most important types of residence permits in Türkiye ever, because it is easy to be obtained and the possibility of renewing it annually, as long as the foreigner is the owner of the property.
It is also a short-term residence permit and the holder can get a lot of benefits and advantages.
What can be concluded in this regard is that we have some conditions that must be met by the property in order for it to be suitable for obtaining this residency, which are as follows:
If you own the property from 10/16/2023 onwards, the value of the property must be $200,000 in any of the smaller or larger states of Turkey.
If the property was purchased before October 16, 2023, the value of the property must be $75,000 in larger states, or $50,000 in smaller states.
If the purchase was made before May 13, 2022, it is not required to determine the value of the property in order to obtain real estate residency.
The property must be for housing.
Not located in a security or military zone.
Real estate valuation document to confirm the price of the property.
It is very important to note that, it is easy to find real estate offers that meet its terms.
The Importance of Obtaining Real Estate Residence Permit
The holder of such residence permit is entitled to many advantages and privileges that make life easier, the most important of which are:
Residing in Türkiye legally without breaking the rules.
He is entitled to move between the Turkish provinces completely without any restrictions.
Travel to and from Türkiye can be very easily without the need to obtain a transit visa.
There are many aspects in common between short-term residence permit and real estate residence permit, but real estate residence permit is stronger in terms of the easiness to obtain and renewing.
The ability to apply for a visa through any Embassy of a European or American country.
The holder can apply for Turkish citizenship five years after obtaining it.
Educational and medical services can be accessed free of charge or at reduced prices in government and private centres.
Granted to all family members, including the spouse and offspring under the age of 18.
If the property is worth $400,000 or more, it is possible to appliy for citizenship.
H ow Is Real Estate Residence Permit Renewed in Türkiye?
We have already indicated that it is very easy to renew this residence permit, but a renewal application must be submitted 60 days before the end of the old residence permit.
D ocuments Required for Real Estate Residence Permit
In order to obtain such residence permit, a set of papers and documents must be prepared as follows:
The title document, which confirms the applicant's ownership of the property.
The real estate valuation report, that can be obtained within only three days.
Earthquake insurance.
A passport valid for at least six months.
A family register translated into Turkish and certified from the home country.
Health insurance for the whole family except children under the age of 18.
Four personal photos.
After submitting the papers and paying your fees, you will receive the residence permit within a maximum of three months.
Important Information about Real Estate Residence Permit
There are some important details you should know about this residence, if you would like to apply for it:
Real estate residence permit fees must be paid in local currency exclusively.
If the whole family will apply for it, each individual must submit a separate file.
If the applicant is underage, he/she must be accompanied by his guardian.
After paying the fee, make sure you get a stamped receipt.
In the event of any missed papers, the foreigner will be given 30 days to bring them.
The Importance of Purchasing Real Estate in Türkiye
Real estate prices in Türkiye are very suitable for different budgets, in which Türkiye has outperformed the EU and American countries.
The desire to reside in a developed country that is witnessing all aspects of sophistication and progress.
The easiness of real estate ownership procedures in Türkiye.
Low and appropriate property taxes and VAT exemption.
An opportunity to invest in real estate and make a good profit, especially in tourist seasons where demand is increasing.
There is a great real estate diversity, and the most popular and sought-after option is the residential complexes.
Real estate prices in Türkiye are constantly increasing due to several factors, the most important of which is high population density.
Turkey has a well developed infrastructure with the most important strategic projects such as Istanbul Airport, Istanbul Canal and others.
Information of interest to you provided by Mersat Real Estate team about real estate residence permit in Türkiye, you can visit Mersat Company's website mersat.net constantly to get everything new about it or the real estate market in Türkiye, because we always offer you all the new.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate Team ©
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