Kuwaitis invest in Turkey real estate for these reasons
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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Kuwaitis invest in Turkey real estate for these reasons
Many investors around the world are now in the process of buying Turkish real estate, and these investors are the owners of many different and scattered nationalities who came from all parts of the earth to agree with their many differences on real estate investment in Turkey, but there must be a nationality that is predominant among them, and they are the Gulf people in general. Now Kuwaitis are advised to be among the first investors in this step for many reasons. If you are looking for the reason why Kuwaitis took the step of buying real estate in Turkey, you should read the following article.
The situation of buying Turkish real estate by Kuwaiti investors is at the top of progress and flourishment. They are among the superior Gulf investors in this regard. You must know that the Kuwaiti state prevented Turkish investors from setting up their investment projects on Kuwaiti land. However, Turkey was lenient in this regard and allowed them to do what they want, and according to what is noted, recent years have witnessed a remarkable increase in invested real estate.
For nearly the past six years, Kuwait has been ranked number three among foreign investors who tend to buy real estate in Turkey, which is an advanced rank, but at the present time it has been able to make additional progress, so it is ranked second, anyway, it is one of the first in this matter.
What are the types of real estate that the Kuwaiti investor prefers to buy in Turkey?
The Kuwaiti mind is a purely practical mind. The Kuwaiti investor usually wants to acquire profitable investment properties such as restaurants, hotels and real estate that are located near the tourist places. Of course, their list of interests contains real estate designated for housing, that is, residential real estate, such as apartments and villas. We must also mention that Kuwaiti investors sometimes focus their attention on owning agricultural lands or lands designated to build a property on them. And if you wonder about the place where Kuwaitis are, you will see that they are in Istanbul, Trabzon and Antalya, and this reflects their dynamic mind, as their choices are often correct and achieve great results.
Are there certain reasons that made Turkey a popular destination for Kuwaiti investors?
There must be clear and explicit reasons that guide us as to why Kuwaiti investors want this real estate ownership. First of all, Kuwaitis, like other investors in the world, were attracted by the encouragements offered in the Turkish market, such as the facilities in the acquisition of real estate and also the modest and appropriate real estate prices has a hand in this matter. Of course, we cannot forget the role of the nature that God Almighty has created in this land; these beautiful landscapes spread in every place and time are what made it a desirable investment destination. The climate also has a role in this matter, and of course we must not forget that whoever owns a property in Turkey will have a chance to obtain a real estate residence, and this alone carries remarkable advantages. Moreover, Turkey is very attractive to tourists, and this factor makes the real estate a success par excellence. Finally, the great Arab presence in Turkey is the one who contributed to this issue in the first place, so the Kuwaiti saw that he would find someone similar to him in this place, so he was encouraged to be one of them.
The Kuwaiti investor should buy real estate in Turkey because its infrastructure is well developed:
This is a clear element in Turkey, especially with its high and advanced technologies, whether in communications or transportation. One of the most important developments in its transportation infrastructure is rail transportation from Turkey to Europe. As for the maritime transport in it, besides that it is developed, it has a low value and is not expensive. When exporting goods or materials from Turkey to another country, the means of transport will be simple and secured simple ways.
Among the reasons that motivated the Kuwaiti to this investment is the large population:
The huge population in any country is an important factor for the success of the investment project, as we are today on the threshold of eighty million people, and this is a large number that encourages the investor to take the step of investing in Turkey. The Turkish state is considered one of the young countries if we compare it with European countries, more than half of the Turkish people have not yet reached the age of thirty, and this class is considered to be the stimulant to the economy and the primary catalyst for attracting investors and attracting them from all parts of the earth to that green patch.
A successful economy is one of the most important incentives for buying Turkish real estate:
It is common fact among all people that the Turkish economy has achieved very high numbers and even surpassed many countries. It is now among the 20 most powerful global economies and is about to be among the 10 most powerful economies in the world.
There are many reasons, and the goal is one, which is to buy real estate in Turkey, and all that was mentioned is a simple glimpse of what the Kuwaiti investor can find there.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate Team©
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