conditions for obtaining turkish citizenship through marriage
Last Updated: 2023-10-05
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Obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage
The idea of obtaining Turkish citizenship has become a frequent idea in the minds of people in the recent period, especially those from fragile countries. Among the countries that grant their nationality to foreigners and are considered the best option in the region is Turkey. On the other hand, it did not make the issue of obtaining Turkish citizenship a loose matter, but rather restricted it with restrictions and gave it many keys; you can choose which one you want to obtain that nationality. One of the most prominent of these keys is marriage to someone who is of Turkish origin (male or female), so we will mention the details of this topic, explaining the most important details of it.
What are the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage:
The idea of obtaining Turkish citizenship by marrying someone who is Turkish is an idea that is not strange or unique, as it is widely spread not only in Turkey, but in all countries in the world, and Turkey is one of them. One of the most important things that should be made clear in this regard is that you will not be granted citizenship directly once you marry a Turkish person. Rather, the marriage must pass for nearly three consecutive years. After that, those who want to acquire Turkish citizenship submits an application to obtain it, to be considered later by the concerned authorities to study the issue. Also, this marriage should be based in order to start a family in the first place and not just for the sake of obtaining this nationality. In addition to that, the person applying for Turkish citizenship must be a good person away from problems; even if the condition to marry someone who is Turkish is provided and the party wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship poses a threat to the security of the Turkish state, it will be rejected then.
Since the granting of Turkish citizenship will not take place until three years after the date of marriage, the two parties will not take any actions that indicate that this marriage is not successful.
That is, disputes and clashes between the two parties should be avoided; because when the three years are over and the application for Turkish citizenship is submitted, the Turkish state will send people from the investigation services to investigate your person, your marriage and your family, and in the event that a defect is discovered in the matter, your granting of Turkish citizenship will be rejected immediately.
- In the event that a divorce takes place between the two parties, is Turkish citizenship considered null:
Whoever obtains Turkish citizenship by marrying a person of Turkish origin and after a period of obtaining that nationality, a divorce occurred, it is certain that Turkish nationality will not be withdrawn except in one case, which is if it is discovered that this marriage was only in order to obtain Turkish citizenship; that is, this marriage was a ploy and a circumvention of the law in order to achieve the goal of acquiring nationality, and this issue will be discovered with absolute simplicity, as there are specialized employees to carry out these tasks and investigate them.
- In the event that the Turkish party dies, will the other party be deprived of obtaining Turkish citizenship:
Turkish law is considered one of the lenient laws regarding the issue of granting Turkish citizenship. In the event that a Turkish person dies before granting his spouse Turkish nationality, the other party will not be deprived of the right to obtain it, so the process to grant him/her nationality will proceed regardless of the condition that says that this marriage must continue because this case is very exceptional.
How can a non-Turkish person prove his marriage in Turkey in order to be granted Turkish citizenship:
There must be differences in establishing the marriage whether the person is Turkish or non-Turkish, so if the foreigner chooses to obtain Turkish citizenship by completing his marriage with Turkish origin, he will have many tasks and should bring identification documents for that. Initially, the two parties must present their residence document according to which they reside on Turkish territory. Later on, a medical document must be brought proving that both parties are fit for each other in terms of health and there is no problem that will prevent their marriage. In addition to the necessity of bringing both parties a civil record pertaining to each of them, and this matter is easy to extract from the country of origin to which the person belongs, but this record must be certified, sealed and translated by the Turkish Notary office after it has been certified, of course, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Also, both husband and wife must bring eight personal photos, and they must have in their possession a document proving that they own a house in which they reside, even if it is a rent; the lease contract must be brought. Of course, they must not forget to bring a passport translated into the Turkish language. Finally, it will be possible for those who are about to get married, to receive the family book, and to complete the marriage.
The means and methods of obtaining Turkish nationality are many and numerous, and one of the most important means of obtaining it is marriage to someone who is Turkish. Currently, we see this idea spread widely in Turkey and most of those who marry Turks are of Arab nationality, on the one hand, because the two peoples agree in several aspects, the most important of which is religion, culture, social customs, and on the other hand, in the hope of obtaining Turkish citizenship, because of the advantages it gives to its holder. The idea of obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage is one of the most peaceful, safe, economical and secure ways, so we were keen to provide you with the largest amount of information in this regard.
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