An ideal environment for foreign investors in Turkish real estate
Last Updated: 2023-07-27
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An ideal environment for foreign investors in Turkish real estate
The Turkish state is considered an incubating environment for foreign investors staying on its land, as it is one of the safest and most welcoming places for them. The Turkish state has also worked in various ways and means to provide foreign investors in its country with a wonderful and appropriate atmosphere. If you are an investor in Turkey, you will find the appropriate work environment and you will find an excellent workforce and many other matters that we will discuss in detail.
What is the natural competitive atmosphere that exists in Turkey and is granted to its foreign investors?
Turkey is characterized by its many and wonderful natural terrain that fascinates the eyes and deafens the ears from what is around. It is an atmosphere in which moderation prevails, neither cold nor hot, as it is between the two, preferred by the vast majority of people, in addition to many other things that we will not be able to talk about them all, such as museums, castles, seas, straits, and other things that attract the investor and the resident. We must refer to the expectations that say that in the coming years, Turkey will witness an increase in economic development, which will make it at the forefront of the world in competition. Finally, the element that is at the top of the list is stability, as Turkey is politically and socially stable.
What atmosphere has the Turkish government created to make a competitive atmosphere for foreign investors:
The Turkish government must have the first precedent in securing a competitive atmosphere for its foreign investors residing on its land, but all that it has done remains within the framework of honest and legal competition and in accordance with what is happening in the countries in the European Union. There are those who have stated and confirmed that this competitive situation enjoys the complete independence of Turkey. What helped the Turkish government to take all these measures and means is the development in all aspects of life in Turkey until it has become fully devoted to such a subject.
What are the most important factors that encourage investors to invest in Turkey:
1- Great Infrastructure Development: This is a clear element in Turkey, especially with its high and advanced technologies, whether in communications or transportation. One of the most important developments in its infrastructure is in the field of transportation, such as rail transport from Turkey to Europe. As for the maritime transport in it, besides being developed, it is of low value and not exorbitant. When exporting goods or materials from Turkey to another country, the means of transportation will be simple and has easy ways.
2- Low tax value: What makes investors around the world prefer Turkey in particular, apart from the rest of the countries in the world, is that its taxes are reduced in favor of the investor. For example, in industrial areas or technical development areas, the investor will receive a very reduced rate of tax payment. There are some companies that have been permanently exempted from taxes. We can consider that these facilities in tax cuts are nothing but an encouragement from the authorities of the Turkish state to investors around the world. If we ask how much the amount has been reduced, we will find that approximately ten percent or a little more than it was previously.
2- Low tax value: What makes investors around the world prefer Turkey in particular, apart from the rest of the countries in the world, is that its taxes are reduced in favor of the investor. For example, in industrial areas or technical development areas, the investor will receive a very reduced rate of tax payment. There are some companies that have been permanently exempted from taxes. We can consider that these facilities in tax cuts are nothing but an encouragement from the authorities of the Turkish state to investors around the world. If we ask how much the amount has been reduced, we will find that approximately ten percent or a little more than it was previously.
3- The large housing density in Turkey: The huge population in any country is an important factor for the success of the investment project, as we are today on the threshold of eighty million people, and this is a large number that encourages the investor to take the step of investing in Turkey. Moreover, the Turkish state is considered one of the young countries if we compare it with European countries. More than half of the Turkish people have not yet reached the age of thirty. This class is considered to be the stimulant to the economy and the first catalyst to bring in investors and attract them from all parts of the earth to that green patch.
4- Its high economy: It is common knowledge among all people that the Turkish economy has achieved very high numbers and even surpassed many countries and is about to be among the 10 most powerful economies in the world. In addition, the Turkish economy is strong and stable in the present period, but in the future it is promising to soar high.
The Turkish state is considered one of the most suitable countries for investment of all kinds as well. It contains some unique elements, which made foreign investors in Turkey in a very competitive position with other investors from other countries. So if you are looking for the best places to invest, Turkey is an ideal choice for you.
Edited by Mersat Real Estate ©
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